With a population of 3646, no stop lights or sprawling malls, the City of Rossland is really an (almost) grown-up village. The area has an 1890s vibe that recalls the energetic individualism of the gold rush days. Old time style is reflected in the restaurants and shops that hug the main street. Festivals that could only be produced out of Rossland punctuate the seasons.

Built in the crater of an extinct volcano in the Monashee Mountain Range, Rossland is a mountain city with a mountain culture. It is still a boomtown, famous for booming lively … let’s call it Boomtown Version 2.0. With a staggering increase in the number of outdoor activities you can pursue, from snowboarding (25 foot average annual snowfall!) to mountain biking to golf, it’s a helluva fun place to visit. These days, the gold is not in Red Mountain, but on it.
In the summer, Rossland has the title of Mountain Bike Capital of Canada. The wagon road, rail grades, and pack trails left over from Rossland’s mining heyday have resulted in a legacy of hundreds of kilometres of trails surrounding the town. A full time crew works hard to improve the network each year.
What’s the big secret behind mountain culture? The more energy you put into what you do – whether at the crazy-inspired festival events or just getting yourself up and down the streets to find a coffee – the more energized you will feel. And it’s a very contagious feeling.